So you’ve got an innovative business idea and intend to set up a knowledge- or technology-based company? Or ar you simply interested in entrepreneurship? In the «Business Concept» module, you will learn how to think and act like an entrepreneur and acquire both the theoretical and practical expertise to set up and run your own company. You may also meet potential co-founders in this course.


What does the Business Concept course offer me?

💪 Build a strong business model

🔒 Learn how to market and protect your idea (IP)

💰 Tools for financial planning and start-up financing ideas

👥 Acquire team performance and pitching skills

🌐 Network with like-minded individuals and experienced startup coaches

🧠 Understand the entrepreneurial mindset

🔑 Access the vibrant local startup ecosystem

📄Implementation of your startup idea into a lean canvas


New since 2025: Module 2a.1 Business Validation:

In two evening sessions, you learn more about how to put your idea to the text, get user feedback and learn how to be (more) resilient. When signing up, we save a spot in this Module for you, however you may also opt out of this. More information concerning the content can be found here.


Who can participate?

The course in Bern is targeted to doctoral students, PostDocs, researchers and lecturers from the University of Bern with a business idea or simply an interest in entrepreneurship. Are you highly motivated but a bachelor or master student or not an alumnus or member of a Swiss university or university of applied sciences? Still, fill out the registration form, and we will get in touch with you! The number of places are limited. Admission to the course will be granted upon application.

The courses are open to university and university of applied sciences members regardless of the location.


Language & costs

The Business Concept course is exclusively offered in English and is free of charge.


How can I apply for the course?

As long as the courses are open, you can sign up on our website at any time. If you have a business idea, provide a brief description of it. If you apply with other team members, please disclose this information at the beginning of the idea description part. If you have any questions about the course offering, we look forward to hearing from you.

Registration deadline is February 13th, 2025.

Places in the course are limited and we will let you know soon after the deadline whether you will be able to participate.


February 25th, 2025 –
June 3rd, 2025


Registrations are closed



Uni S, Schanzeneckstrasse 1, 3012 Bern, Room tba

Evening Classes:

Uni S, Schanzeneckstrasse 1, 3012 Bern, Room tba



Dr. Isabelle Hahn

Project Manager Innosuisse, Departement of Management and Entrepreneurship University of Bern

Send us an E-Mail

COURSE PROGRAM (preliminary)

Registrations are currently closed. A new course will take place in Spring 2025 – check this site regularly, so you won’t miss the news or follow us on Instagram or LinkedIn.



Registration deadline is September 19th, 2024.

Places in the course are limited and we will let you know soon after the deadline whether you will be able to participate.

Freiburgstrasse 3
3010 Bern

So you’ve got an innovative business idea and intend to set up a knowledge- or technology-based company? In the «Business Concept» module, you will learn how to think and act like an entrepreneur and acquire both the theoretical and practical expertise to set up and run your own company. You may also meet potential co-founders in this course.

The course in Bern is targeted to doctoral students, PostDocs, researchers and lecturers from the University of Bern. However, we also welcome other applicants e.g. from the private sector etc. The number of places are limited. Admission to the course will be granted upon application.

The course will be held in English.

The application deadline is the 25th of september, 2023.  

Places in the course are limited and we will let you know soon after the deadline whether you will be able to participate.

Frontbild_Flyer_Module2 Herbst 2022

25.02.25 | 3.15 - 9.00 pm | Deciding to Found a Start-Up

In this first session, we will  present the course format, the major structural arrangements (group formation) will be completed, and essential aspects of the entrepreneurial process (the module in general) will be outlined.


Moreover, we cover the topic of entrepreneurial thinking. Fostering and cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset is essential for knowledge and technology oriented startups (e.g., spin-offs of higher education institutions). Moreover, cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset in high tech startups needs to be aligned with people (diversity) and contextual factors. As we consider the course as a platform to match complementary knowledge and skills, we will form project teams for the practical exercises in the course.

04.03.25 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | Getting and Developing Start-Up Ideas

In this session we will cover the topic of developing products which are marketable. Specifically, in this course evening you will develop:

  • A model to estimate the market size and attractivity of your idea
  • A first value proposition for you customers
  • A first roadmap for product development

11.03.25 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | Growing and Monetising

In this third session we will cover the topic of relating to customers. Identifying needs/wants and selecting the target market is an essential capability of every new venture; together with organizing its resources to satisfy customers profitably. Thus, a crucial element of the business/marketing plan is selecting the groups or segments of potential customers the firm is going to serve with each of its products.

In this course evening, you will receive some central frameworks and tools for identifying and selecting customers and position (business strategy) the offerings for achieving competitive advantages.

18.03.25 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | Digital Marketing: Growing and Monetising

Together with your coach you will propose answers to the following questions start-up founders should ask themselves concerning digital marketing:

  1. What online tools are there to evaluate the market for your business idea and for digital marketing?
  2. How do you find out about the online marketing mix other businesses use to reach their target audience?
  3. What is search engine optimization (SEO), how does it work and what are the pearls and pitfalls?

25.03.25 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | Putting a Strong Team Together

As most entrepreneurial activities are performed by groups of people rather than by individuals, the relevance of teams in the entrepreneurial process will be discussed in this evening course. We will learn what to consider when forming, establishing and developing our own new venture teams.

Developing a strong team is essential to successfully transform business ideas into business models and, finally, business startups. We need to be well aware of how individual characteristics of our team members combine to result in various team processes and outcomes. Accordingly, in this session, we will discuss the main challenges that teams face as they move along the entrepreneurial process.

01.04.25 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | Financial Planning & Fundraising

This session will cover the topic of “Financing the New Venture”. For creating knowledge and technology oriented start-ups (e.g., spin-offs of higher education institutions) the issue of „Financing“ is very important, as usually “market institutions” such as banks are not available. We will offer first-hand financing information from an experienced entrepreneur who is also a knowledgeable financier.

08.04.25 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | Protecting your Innovation

This session will cover the topic of “Intellectual Property”. For creating knowledge and technology oriented start-ups (e.g., spin-offs of higher education institutions) the issue of „Intellectual Property” (IP) is very important. In this session we give an introduction into the basics of IP protection with specific focus on patenting. More over participants will get the chance to learn from a real-life case study about IP and its protection.

15.04.25 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | Presenting the Business Idea

In this session we will cover and practice the topic of idea pitching. After generating your business idea – in which you believe in -, the next step is getting diverse stakeholders (especially investors) to believe in it, too. Indeed, an important skill for any entrepreneur is the ability to pitch the idea, the product, or project you intend to sell/market. You MUST pitch your idea in a way that is interesting, informative,and quick. An elevator pitch is a condensed, easy-to-understand version of a business pitch that is delivered in the time it takes to ride an elevator. In this course evening you will learn essential elements, the terminology and strategies, of a pitch.

29.04.25 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | The Start-Up Ecosystem

In this course evening we will meet major stakeholders of the Bernese entrepreneurial ecosystem. We will offer our course participants first-hand information from representatives of key institutions involved in the Bernese ecosystem supportive of new ventures. From a higher institution perspective, (realizing that always entrepreneurs and not institutions are central), the major actors of the Bern area will be introduced to the participants. After the presentations, there will be time for individual discussions and networking.

06.05.25 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | Project Presentations

In this final course evening we will have a presentation session of “THE BUSINESS CONCEPT” developed over the overall Module 2. At some point in time, every entrepreneur has to present a business plan to outsiders if she or he will seek support such as a loan or investment in the company. Obtaining venture capital funding, angel investment or even bank loans for a business is increasingly difficult in a tough economy. In fact, it is imperative to have a pitch and presentation that showcases your idea, your potential, your market and your ability to provide investors with a return on their investment. We know that the business pitch is different from the business plan. The pitch is a summary of the plan. You need to have your plan drafted before you can fine-tune your pitch. You will have the opportunity to present your project and some key points you have developed during the course to a panel of coaches / experts and receive feedback.

NEW MODULE 2A | 13.05.25 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | Pivoting the Idea (optional)

Learn all about pivoting your idea and how to get customer feedback.

Read the full description here:

NEW MODULE 2A | 03.06.25 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | How to Gain Resilience (optional)

Learn about the importance of resilience when becoming an entrepreneur and about tools you can use to strenghten your resilience.

Read the full description here:

05.10.24 | 9.30 am - 4.00 pm | Bootcamp

In this first session, we will  start with a short introductory session during which the course format will be presented, the major structural arrangements (group formation) will be completed, and essential aspects of the entrepreneurial process (the module in general) will be outlined.

08.10.24 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | Entrepreneurial Thinking

In this second session we cover the topic of “Entrepreneurial Thinking”. Fostering and cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset is essential for knowledge and technology oriented startups (e.g., spin-offs of higher education institutions). Moreover, cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset in high tech startups needs to be aligned with people (diversity) and contextual factors. As we consider the course as a platform to match complementary knowledge and skills, we will form project teams for the practical exercises in the course.

15.10.24 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | Product & Market Development

In this session we will cover the topic of „developing products which are marketable“. Specifically, in this course evening you will develop:

  • A model to estimate the market size and attractivity of your idea
  • A first value proposition for you customers
  • A first roadmap for product development

22.10.24 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | Business Relations with Customers

In this third session we will cover the topic of “relating to customers”. Identifying needs/wants and selecting the target market is an essential capability of every new venture; together with organizing its resources to satisfy customers profitably. Thus, a crucial element of the business/marketing plan is selecting the groups or segments of potential customers the firm is going to serve with each of its products.

In this course evening, you will receive some central frameworks and tools for identifying and selecting customers and position (business strategy) the offerings for achieving competitive advantages.

29.10.24 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | Digital Business Relations with Customers

Together with your coach you will propose answers to the following questions start-up founders should ask themselves concerning digital marketing:

  1. What online tools are there to evaluate the market for your business idea and for digital marketing?
  2. How do you find out about the online marketing mix other businesses use to reach their target audience?
  3. What is search engine optimization (SEO), how does it work and what are the pearls and pitfalls?

05.11.24 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | Financial Planning & Financing

This session will cover the topic of “Financing the New Venture”. For creating knowledge and technology oriented start-ups (e.g., spin-offs of higher education institutions) the issue of „Financing“ is very important, as usually “market institutions” such as banks are not available. We will offer first-hand financing information from an experienced entrepreneur who is also a knowledgeable financier.

12.11.24 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | Protecting your Innovation

This session will cover the topic of “Intellectual Property”. For creating knowledge and technology oriented start-ups (e.g., spin-offs of higher education institutions) the issue of „Intellectual Property” (IP) is very important. In this session we give an introduction into the basics of IP protection with specific focus on patenting. More over participants will get the chance to learn from a real-life case study about IP and its protection.

19.11.24 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | Putting a Strong Team Together

As most entrepreneurial activities are performed by groups of people rather than by individuals, the relevance of teams in the entrepreneurial process will be discussed in this evening course. We will learn what to consider when forming, establishing and developing our own new venture teams.

Developing a strong team is essential to successfully transform business ideas into business models and, finally, business startups. We need to be well aware of how individual characteristics of our team members combine to result in various team processes and outcomes. Accordingly, in this session, we will discuss the main challenges that teams face as they move along the entrepreneurial process.

26.11.24 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | Business Idea Pitching

In this session we will cover and practice the topic of “Idea Pitching”. After generating your business idea – in which you believe in -, the next step is getting diverse stakeholders (especially investors) to believe in it, too. Indeed, an important skill for any entrepreneur is the ability to pitch the idea, the product, or project you intend to sell/market. You MUST pitch your idea in a way that is interesting, informative,and quick. An elevator pitch is a condensed, easy-to-understand version of a business pitch that is delivered in the time it takes to ride an elevator. In this course evening you will learn essential elements, the terminology and strategies, of a pitch.

03.12.24 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | The Start-Up Ecosystem

In this course evening we will meet major stakeholders of the Bernese entrepreneurial ecosystem. We will offer our course participants first-hand information from representatives of key institutions involved in the Bernese ecosystem supportive of new ventures. From a higher institution perspective, (realizing that always entrepreneurs and not institutions are central), the major actors of the Bern area will be introduced to the participants. After the presentations, there will be time for individual discussions and networking.

10.12.24 | 5.15 - 9.00 pm | Project Presentations

In this final course evening we will have a presentation session of “THE BUSINESS CONCEPT” developed over the overall Module 2. At some point in time, every entrepreneur has to present a business plan to outsiders if she or he will seek support such as a loan or investment in the company. Obtaining venture capital funding, angel investment or even bank loans for a business is increasingly difficult in a tough economy. In fact, it is imperative to have a pitch and presentation that showcases your idea, your potential, your market and your ability to provide investors with a return on their investment. We know that the business pitch is different from the business plan. The pitch is a summary of the plan. You need to have your plan drafted before you can fine-tune your pitch. You will have the opportunity to present your project and some key points you have developed during the course to a panel of coaches / experts and receive feedback.


Jennifer Berger

Communication and Community Manager Innovation Office, University of Bern

Dr. Olivier Blattmann

Co-Founder Iqual AG, SEO Expert, Lecturer, Innosuisse Coach for Digital Marketing and Advertising

Dr. Isabelle Hahn

Project Manager Innosuisse, Departement of Management and Entrepreneurship University of Bern

Prof. Dr. Philipp Sieger

Professor, Departement of Management and Entrepreneurship, University of Bern

Dr. Barbara Studer

Co-Founder & CEO, hirncoach AG

Dr. Philipp Rüfenacht

Patent Attorney Keller Schneider AG

Anna-Leena Marti
Anna-Leena Marti

Partner & Trainer SoftTech

Prof. Dr. Artur Baldauf
Prof. Dr. Artur Baldauf

Professor, Departement of Management and Entrepreneurship, University of Bern

Entrepreneur & Start-up Evangelist

Marta Gehring

Consultant, sbg Healthcare

Jan Krasnodebski

Founder & Director, Pricing Foundations

Dr. Matthias Peterhans

Chief Operating Officer Xovis AG | Entrepreneur | Expert Innosuisse


The University of Bern’s Department of Management and Entrepreneurship supports the dialogue and collaboration between science and practice through different programmes and projects. The focus is placed on supporting students, researchers and people from start-ups, family businesses and large companies in developing entrepreneurial projects. For the Business Concept courses, the Entrepreneurship Center was engaged by Innosuisse to coordinate the courses in the central region, and offers the local course in Bern.