Pitch Perfect - Innosuisse Alumni Event Luzern/Olten


Lerne von erfahrenen Gründer*innen, wie man vor Investoren pitcht.

Wie pitcht man erfolgreich? Drei erfahrene Start-ups präsentieren ihre Pitches, mit denen sie Investoren überzeugt haben. In einem anschliessenden Austausch bei einem feinen Apéro erzählen sie von ihren Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen und verraten, worauf es ankommt. Lass dich inspirieren, mach dir ein Bild davon, wie du überzeugend auftreten kannst und hol dir Insider-Tipps, wie du deinen Pitch und dich am besten vorbereitest.


30. Oktober 2024
18:00 – 21:00





Hirschengraben 40

6003 Luzern



Marisa Conzinu

Pogrammkoordinatorin Smart-up, Hochschule Luzern

Kristine Metuzale

Research Associate FHNW


  • Begrüssung und Einführung
  • 3 Start-up Investorenpitches
  • Apéro Riche & Austausch


Simon Maranda

CEO und Co-Founder at Cowa Thermal Solutions AG

Adam Opuchlik

CMO & Founder Park 'n' Sleep

Laura Matter

Co-Founder and CEO at noii land AG


“Smart-up – successfully implementing ideas” is a program of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences. Its goal is to motivate and empower students, employees and alumni to implement their business ideas and start their own start-up. Founders receive support from smart-up in the form of individual coaching and advice, infrastructure, matching with other students and external stakeholders as well as workshops and events. In addition, students can use their studies as a start-up toolbox and generate valuable synergies between their studies and their business by writing their project papers or bachelor thesis on the topic of their own start-up and acquiring relevant entrepreneurial skills through specific modules. In this context, the module 2 «Business Concept» in Lucerne will also be offered.


FHNW is the public University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Northwestern Switzerland. FHNW counts more than 11.250 students in the 9 departments of applied psychology, architecture, arts&design, life science, music, teacher education, social work, engineering, and management. Headquarters are in Brugg-Windisch AG, additional campuses are in Basel, Muttenz, and Olten.

Entrepreneurship is one of the key strategic pillars of FHNW. The main activities in the field of entrepreneurship are applied research projects, modules on bachelor, master, and MBA level, international summer schools, as well as start-up awards (Swiss startup challenge, Swiss innovation challenge, Swiss next challenge, Swiss cultural challenge, Swiss sustainability challenge and Swiss innovation challenge Asia)