Do you have a promising business idea? Would you like to learn from other start-ups how to pitch the project to potential customers, partners and investors? Or are you simply interested in becoming an entrepreneur and do you want to feel the start-up groove?

At our event, entrepreneurs will share their experience in business idea pitching. Our first speaker is Nicolas Gasser, Co-Founder and CEO of IMPLANZ. IMPLANZ provides cutting-edge technology tailored for implant testing and surgical planning on human bone samples. Alice Fauconnet, our second speaker, is co-founder and integrity director at New Roots AG, a startup producing plant-based cheese, following traditional cheese-making techniques. New Roots was recognised as the leader of ‘Top innovative companies in Switzerland 2025’ by the business newspaper BILANZ.

Moreover, we will be having an expert who will talk to us about what makes a good pitch. Regula Buob has several years of expierience in coaching startups.  If you are interested, you will have the opportunity to pitch your own project in two minutes to the audience. At the end of the event, there is time to network and connect with likeminded people – with a nice mug of hot punsch and some snacks.


Wednesday, November 6th, 2024, preliminary: 18:30-21:00


Registrations are closed – just drop by spontaneously 😉


Schanzeneckstrasse 1
3012 Bern

Room S003



Dr. Isabelle Hahn

Project Manager Innosuisse, Departement of Management and Entrepreneurship University of Bern


6:15 pm | Doors opening

6:30 pm | Presentations

  • Welcome: Prof. Dr. Artur Baldauf, Departement of Management & Entrepreneurship University of Bern
  • Two entrepreneurs pitch their ideas and talk about their pitching experience
  • An expert talks about the fair share of pitches they have heard and what makes a good one
  • Your pitching round
  • Offers for your entrepreneurial project and career
8:00 pm | Punsch & Apéro


Co-founder, Social Media & Integrity Manager at New Roots AG

Med-tech Co-founder & CEO from IMPLANZ

Regula Buob

Consultant DNLA, Board Member: Advisors of the Swiss Startup Association, Trainer at SoftTec

Prof. Dr. Artur Baldauf
Prof. Dr. Artur Baldauf

Professor, Departement of Management and Entrepreneurship, University of Bern


The University of Bern’s Department of Management and Entrepreneurship supports the dialogue and collaboration between science and practice through different programmes and projects. The focus is placed on supporting students, researchers and people from start-ups, family businesses and large companies in developing entrepreneurial projects. For the Business Concept courses, the Entrepreneurship Center was engaged by Innosuisse to coordinate the courses in the central region, and offers the local course in Bern.