Our regionally interconnected team of trainers, coaches, sponsors, organisers and partners champion a high quality course offering in the central region, on behalf of Innosuisse. A consortium of various different universities from the central region are engaged by Innosuisse to offer courses in the region. This ensures synergies in the region as well as local anchoring and networking in respect of the course offering in the region.

Prof. Dr. Rolf Meyer
Prof. Dr. Rolf Meyer

Professor, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)

Prof. Dr. Francesco Lurati
Prof. Dr. Francesco Lurati

Professor, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)

Christian Hohmann

Lecturer, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Prof. Aron Braun
Prof. Aron Braun

Lecturer, Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH)

Prof. Dr. Artur Baldauf
Prof. Dr. Artur Baldauf

Director, Departement of Management and Entrepreneurship University of Bern

Kaya Hellbach

Project Assistant, Departement of Management and Entrepreneurship University of Bern

Dr. Isabelle Hahn

Project Manager Innosuisse, Departement of Management and Entrepreneurship University of Bern

Nadine Stiebellehner

Project Assistant, Departement of Management and Entrepreneurship University of Bern

Anna-Elina Pekonen

Program Manager Entrepreneurial Education Innovation Office, University of Basel



Anna-Elina Pekonen

Program Manager Entrepreneurial Education Innovation Office, University of Basel

Clémence Le Roux

Project Manager Entrepreneurial Activities & Startup Relations


Dr. Isabelle Hahn

Project Manager Innosuisse, Departement of Management and Entrepreneurship University of Bern


Yacine Bouazdia

BFH Department of Industrial Engineering & Management Science


Marisa Conzinu

Programmkoordinatorin Smart-up, Hochschule Luzern


Dario Meyer

Research Associate FHNW


Francesco Meli

USI Startup Centre, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)


Luzern Business